Why Empaths Absorb Emotion & How to STOP Feeling so Much
You know the feeling that every empath experiences - sponging energy from others in what feels like you've been blasted by a dust bunny of dirt and crud. You look forward to that, right? ;) In all seriousness, today I'm offering you some tangible solutions....so that you aren't drained, exhausted or overwhelmed. So, let's break this down.....
Okay, first let's get this out of the way, it's unavoidable. You're here as an empath to use your Innate Sparklyness to alchemize vibrations and turn lead into Gold. You volunteered, before you were born, as all empaths did, to let the Divine use your energy field automatically, without conscious thought, to raise the energy of those around you to the level of Divinity within you.
Yes, that means you carry a baseline HIGH VIBRATION. It's true. Many empaths mistake the fact feeling low vibes means that you are somehow wounded - or causing the negativity.
That's bunk. The Divine has deemed you inherently worthy to help others by upleveling lower-vibe energy.
It's pre-ordained. You agreed, before you came into body, that you would feel intense energy to such a degree that you would decide to seek out help and community to get you to where you need to be. In this way, feeling low actually serves you because it propels you forward in your evolution. When you ask the Divine for help, eventually you won't be harmed because high frequency LIGHT is your protection.
Back in the early days before I commited to raising my vibes, I hurt all the time from the energy I absorbed from others. I was addicted to opiates for nearly a decade in the late 90's/early 2000's because as a physical empath my body hurt from feeling other people. You got stomach pains? So do I. You got shoulder pain? Me too.
It doesn't sound fun, and yet that pain actually served me, in a big way. It made me seek help. And the end resuilt? I cannot remember the last time I ever absorbed anyone else's energy to the point where it lingered or hurt. Instead, I am the one who brings others up.
The same thing is about to happen for you. And here's how....
When empaths call in Light intentionally, that's our protection.. After a time, negative energy simply bounces off your aura. You get spiritual immunity. As long as you take action and ask for help from both 3D (other humans) and the 5D (Divine). Both are needed.
So, right now, invoke the 5D ask by repeating the following: "Divine Spirit, I humbly ask that you reveal how to prevent the absorbing process from hurting me." You asked, and you will receive. Now let go of expectations over how and when the answer will show up.
And as one option to get that process fast-track
Setting the intention that your soul leads you Home, today, and always.
Michael R. Smith, Ph.D.
For 20 years, Dr. Michael R. Smith's pioneering work to connect empaths & sensitives with their Divine potential has helped millions. As a doctoral trained counselor, spiritual medium, & healing practitioner of indigenous arts, Michael's joy is to serve as a spiritual guide for those at all levels of awakening, including the LGBTQ+ community and gay men. He has published two books, and is founder of Empath Connection, a 175,000 member community. In addition to his annual spiritual retreats, he offers intuition development classes, Lightworker business mentoring, & The Empath Sanctuary community.He lives in the redwood forests near San Francisco, where he enjoys talking to trees.