Redwood Rendezvous & Ocean Spirit Journey

A transformative Spiritual retreat in Northern California
June 3-6, 2025

EARLY BIRD Savings - Scroll to bottom

Enchanted Forests are Calling You Home....

The powerful energy of Nothern California's enchanted redwood forests, along with sacred Pacfic Ocean hideouts -  are calling to you, along with your fellow empaths, for one of the most transformational experiences of your life.

Ready to release that which holds you back in true community with other high-vibe empaths?   Ready to strengthen your intuition and receive PURE SOURCE energy to upgrade your vibration?   Ready for incredible fun, laughter, and Joy, all shared at our beautiful retreat center in an enchanted forest?    

Daily (gentle) stretching & simple yoga, meditation, breathwork, and spiritual ceremony - opportunity to view seals and whales - in addition to optional outdoor hot tub and sauna during communal evening hours.

Read on and learn more about how your soul may be calling you to one of the most energetically vibrant and beautiful places on Earth.

Take advantage of EARLY BIRD private invitation pricing. Not only will you receive Spirit energy starting now, and you get a full $700 off the price when you register before Nov 5, 2024.


Transformation & Joy in one of the most beautiful places on Earth....

The redwood trees and forests of Marin County, CA are unlike any other places in the world.

The land is unspoiled and incredibly high vibrational.   With sun and a little bit of morning fog, we will be walking through valleys, forests, and beaches that are filled with wonder.  We will traverse areas that are not only spectacularly beautiful, but carry the energetic echoes and imprints from our indigenous ancestors. You will literally FEEL their presence as we call them into our ceremony.

And the magnificent majestic Redwood trees speak a subtle but strong language - and, in the absolute stillness and quiet of enchanted forests, you will HEAR YOUR OWN SOUL speaking to you.

The redwood trees' roots only extend roughly 3-6 feet below the surface.  Where do they gain their massive strength and resilience?  Through COMMUNITY and CONNECTION.   They extend and wrap their roots around each other, which is exactly what we will be doing, together, in our own community ceremony at a sacred and stunning retreat center in Woodacre, CA.

Come explore your Spirit with other kindred spirit empaths & lightworkers - all who are ready to uplevel their consciousness to receive magic and miracles that happen when we amplify each other's connections to Source through each other.  The daily spiritual ceremony allows us to receive Spiritual energy and Divine Spirit communication -  so that you feel uplifted, your vibration will be raised, and you will receive clarity on life questions (and purpose).

Here's what's in store:
- Daily spiritual ceremony on sacred lands, enchanted forests, beaches, lighthouses, & ocean hideaways. - Daily stretching, gentle yoga for all bodies and abilities
- Meditation
-Movement ceremony
-Authentic Native American ceremony & rituals
- Delicious and nutritious meals included
- Optional hot tub & sauna in the evenings

Our beautiful retreat center, Spirit House,
is located in the middle of a beautiful forest at the top of a mountain - and you will feel elevated, uplifted, and inspired as we commune with the Divine, and each other, in this gorgeous pristine wonderland.

Most of all, you will feel incredibly close to the Divine, and to your TRUE self -
liberated, free, uninhibited, and closely connected to your Spiritual Self (and to others just like you).


"Tears became laughter, releasing became freedom, blurred Channels became clear, strangers became lifelong friends. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
This experience helped each of us to become more "Whole".  Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker and listened deeply with all 6 senses to each group member whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space for you with unconditional love and acceptance. He was also able to be vulnerable about his own feelings and struggles. He is fun and funny and he received occasionally comical messages directly from the Divine and shared them for us all to enjoy. His mission is clear and abundant; to help heal the world, one person, one group at a time by bringing together empaths, highly sensitive people and Lightworkers to open further to our inherent Divine Gifts." - Judy Johnson, speaking on the 2023 retreat.

Join us near San Francisco - scroll below
"Michael, as I am sitting here this morning ready to depart, I have so much gratitude and emotion overcoming me, I need to let you know how much I am thankful. Giving us a safe space to be ourselves, to learn, to heal and transform is what makes what you accomplished and what we all accomplished this weekend so magical. I never had such a truly spiritual experience."
- Janine
"Tears became laughter, weakness became strength, blurred Channels became clear, strangers became lifelong friends. I would do it again in a heartbeat. This experience helped each of us to become more "Whole".  Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker and an "Angel" in a human body! He is so obviously tuned in to the Divine at all times. He listened deeply with all 6 senses to each group member whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. That was a wonder to behold for me and I believe for all of us! There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space for you with unconditional love and acceptance." - JUDY JOHNSON
"This retreat was a Godsent and a breath of fresh air. I am so thankful for my ability to listen to my higher self and obey what my soul needed. I walked into this retreat confused seeking answers and walked out reborn and excited OWNING all the parts of me to attract love, peace, abundance, and live a life of flow and happiness. Take the leap you will not regret it!"  
- Warren Augustin, Texas
"The retreat was transformative and unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It was a culmination of true human interaction, time and space with my higher self and with that of others. Exposure to traditional practices that I would've never had the opportunity to witness or participate in; they were full circle moments where I felt connected to ancestors and generations before me. A peace with what was, a removal of expectation and fear for what may be, and an openness and space to just be right now. We each walked through fears, sat in the space of grief, danced, cried in pain and in joy. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat."  
- T. G.
"Michael has created a safe space for sensitive people to gather and learn to work with their gifts in a non-overwhelming, hands-on way that is unique in my experience. Learning to be vulnerable and to connect with other people in that vulnerability is a powerful thing and difficult when one is so sensitive to energy from others. In my opinion, unravelling established patterns of distrust and overwhelm is the first, very important step to learning to work with the empath gifts and this retreat really went a long way to that end."
- B. R.
"I am still in awe and gratitude for the incredible weekend and the energy your poured into us. Love and transformation was abound. It continues to ripple. You have taught and reminded me to take pause. I am grateful for you and thank you for the blessings you bestowed on our entire group." 
- Jennifer

Strengthen your Connection to your Divine Self in Nature with Kindred Spirits....

Learn advanced techniques, practices, ceremonies, and tools to purify your energy field, transform your relationship with the Divine and learn how to interpret Spirit communication - all by communing with magical Nature Spirits at our incredible retreat center in an enchanted forest.

"Life changing doesn't even begin to describe it. What an unbelievable time!
- Kevin Friel,
speaking about the May 2023 retreat

"Amazing doesn't even come close!  
I'm still thrumming!" - Linda Phillips

Redwood Rendezvous includes:

  • 4 power packed days in the unforgettable and unparalleled energy of pristine redwood forests and stunning ocean energy hideouts.
  • Personal transformation, support & nurturing through the power of a group of Divine Souls. Come ready to release what holds you back and receive incredible, palpable NEW high-vibe SOURCE energy to fuel your coming year.
  • Refresh your energy with daily gentle stretching, breathwork, and meditation done in a unified field of consciousness. For all body types and all abilities.
  • Daily hot tub & sauna available in the evening hours to wind down in a stunning natural setting.
  • Learn how to communicate with Spirit and open your own channel to higher dimensional Spiritual/Source energy to strengthen your Intuition and Spiritual connection
  • Practices to strengthen your energy field so that you are not taking on other people's energies.
  • Deeply immerse yourself in nature and Spirit, away from the distractions of modern life. We will be visiting sacred lands, mostly untouched, and have the opportunity to see whales and seals.
  • Experience several Native American ceremonies, including medicine wheel
  • BRAND NEW teachings, exercises, & offerings.  We will be exploring in workshop format exercises and practices (both with group & partners) that will strengthen your connection to Spirit and intuition.
  • Live mediumship (depending on flow) where you will receive loving messages from your loved ones & ancestors.

Your Ceremony Facilitator:

empaths and healing workshops and classes
Michael R. Smith, Ph.D.

For nearly 20 years, Dr. Michael R. Smith's pioneering work to connect empaths and sensitives with their Divine potential has helped millions. As a doctoral trained counselor, spirit medium, and healing practitioner of indigenous energy medicine, Michael's great joy is to serve as a spiritual guide for those at all levels of awakening. He lives in the enchanted forests of Woodacre, CA -just a 5-min drive from our gorgeous retreat location, where he enjoys hot yoga, hiking, and playing with Akela, his chocolate lab.

Michael will be offering a semi-private exclusive day of ceremony for just you and one other person on Tuesday June 2, 2025.  Be sure to contact Michael with your interest as these 2 spaces will go fast.

Our beautiful Retreat Sanctuary....

Redwood Rendezvous Daily Outline

Michael will be offering a private full-day shared experience/ceremony for 2 people on Tuesday June 2, 2025 -,for an additional fee. Please contact Michael with your interest here.

You may be interested in arriving a day early
to explore the area on your own, or perhaps visit the city of San Francisco, CA - one hour from our gathering place.
Others may find that an early flight arrival on Wed. June 3 will facilitate your arrival at Spirit House in Woodacre before our ceremony begins at 5 pm. See below for shuttle from SFO airport.

All meals are included
, and you may want to bring your own snacks.  We will do our best to accomodate special needs diets.  Semi- Private Rooms, you will have a roomate, and we will match you with someone who is more similar to you (early or late riser, astrological design, etc).  

Wednesday, June 3, 2025 - Arrival at
3 pm - Begin arrival at Spirit House, our amazing retreat center in Woodacre, CA, Click here for photos and info.
5 pm - Ceremony begins
6:30 pm - Dinner
8 pm - Closing ceremony

Thursday, June 4, 2025
9 am - Morning Meditation & gentle stretching (for all bodies)
10 am - Morning Heart Circle & Sharing
11 am - 5 pm - Explore sacred lands, forests & oceans with Spirit Ceremony throughout the day (there will be relatively short hikes to reach our destinations, about 60-90 mins of walking each day). Materials for a simple lunch will be provided - you will take your lunch in your backpack.  Whales often make their appearance where we will be visiiting.
6 pm (approx) - Dinner at the retreat center
7 pm - Personal time, outdoor hot tub, sauna, etc.

FRIDAY, June 5, 2025
8 am - Breakfast  

9 am - Morning Meditation & gentle stretching (for all bodies)
10 am - Morning Heart Circle & Sharing
11 am - 5 pm - Explore sacred lands, forests & oceans with Spirit Ceremony throughout the day (there will be relatively short hikes to reach our destinations, about 60-90 mins of walking each day).  Materials for a simple lunch will be provided - you will take your lunch in your backpack.
6 pm (approx) - Dinner at the retreat center
7 pm - Personal time, outdoor hot tub, sauna, etc.

SATURDAY, June 6, 2025
8 am - Breakfast
9 - Morning streching & sharing circle
11 - Noon - Intuition development exercises
Noon - Ceremony ends and Michael will arrange rides to the airport and or where you need to go. A bag lunch will be provided for those who are leaving for the airport, and if you choose to stay overnight at the retreat center, the rest of the day will be down time, You are welcome to stay the night as long as you leave the retreat center by 11 am.

SUNDAY, June 7, 2025
For those who prefer to enjoy a leisurely day instead of travelling right away, you are welcome to stay the night and leave on Sunday instead.  11 am is the absolute firm checkout time.

please email Michael here with any questions

Offering tobacco to the nature spirits
Our small group from 2024

Private Invitation Early Bird Rate - thru Nov 5, 2025 

8 spaces remain.   First come, first served.

Easy payment plans available - split into 2-4 payments.

You will automatically be emailed instructions after payment.

  1. 1. NO REFUNDS after Jan 15, 2025. The only exception to this would be if you became ill and needed to cancel for that reason.
  2. 2. HOTELS & TRANSPORT:  You are responsible for your own transportation to and from Woodacre, CA.  Guidelines and suggestions for travel will be emailed.  For now, it is recommended to take The Marin Airporter shuttle ($29 is the cheapest shuttle) from SFO airport to San Rafael Transit Center (about 40 min), where you will then  UBER directly to Spirit House (110 Fire Road, Woodacre, CA 94973) for about $30-60, depending on time of day.   That is the easiest arrangement, or you can take the local bus from San Rafael transit center using the Inverness route.  If choosing the bus, make sure to stop at Park St & Central Ave in Woodacre.  You will arrange with Michael who can pick you up from this spot, which is about 4-5 minute drive from our retreat center. Cut and paste this link into your browser to find out exact tims of departure and arrival. Please hold off on travel arrangements until 2025.
  3. Got questions? Email Michael Smith


Meals included.

Semi Private Room
(Reg. $2900)

Private Room (1 Left)