Massive Support for your Dreams & Aspirations
3 SPOTS for 2025 available. Scroll down to apply.
I am so grateful and excited that you are considering working with me in the sacred space of my most personal and exclusive mentorship program.
We will work together for 6 months in a true partnership and collaboration so that a portal will open for the manifestation of your dreams and goals. Together with the help of Spirit, we will also ignite and fast track your unique spiritual gifts.
Because you are commiting to yourself AND the Divine - you become a part of my inner circle. As a part of our time (optional), I invite you to my home in the redwood forests near San Franscisco June 3-6, 2025.
My name is Michael R. Smith, and I am a counselor, spiritual medium, author, and a practitioner of indigenous healing arts.
Read the yellow & gold section below for the FULL details....
SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM to submit your application
If you want to receive massive support for your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and explore and embrace your spiritual gifts, well, get ready. Spirit is about to deliver to you and open doors beyond your wildest comprehension.
The program is simple: we work together for 6 months in a true partnership that goes beyond just our weekly (approx) calls. You become a part of my inner circle and I become completely devoted to your success. Consider it as having me 'on retainer'. I work with you energetically and shamanically every day to open doors. As a result, you'll shed the blocks that have been holding you back from your dreams and a whole new confidence, clarity, and level of success will begin to emerge. A whole new you, really. And you will be invited to near my home in the redwood forests near San Francisco for a hugely discounted spiritual journey and ceremonial experience June 3-6, 2025.
This program is the real deal. It's defintely not for everyone. Spirit and I are both looking for those who want to use what you gain in Service to others. And that includes lightworkers, executives, and leaders of all kinds.
The program is 100% tailored to what you need. So, what do you want to co-create together? More rewarding soul-level relationships? Better physical health? More financial abundance? Greater satisfaction with your life's work and purpose? Whatever you desire, it's coming to you this year, quicker and more effortless than you can possibly imagine.Let me share a story that illustrates what happens when you work with me, and with Spirit. During a Medicine Weekend & Vision Questthe two participants and myself were hiking in one of the magnificent vortexes for which Sedona is so famous. Suddenly, we noticed that two circular rainbows, each about 1/2 mile apart in the sky, appeared in the clouds directly above our heads. There was not a drop of rain anywhere to be seen. Those rainbows literally followed us around Sedona wherever we went for the next 4 hours. It was a truly astounding experience because we all knew that Spirit was blessing us with the miracles that happen when we work together.
Something just as magnificent is waiting for you. Scroll all the way down to submit your application....
How will Michael work with me?
In a safe and intimate private mentoring experience, you'll unlearn old thoughts, habits, and behaviors that block your progress and actually practice, both in and out of session, exercises that will open your connection to Source. Past traumas and energies that have kept you blocked that have been lingering in your energy field will be released and cleared due to the work we do together.
I serve as a mirror for all the parts of you that want to be seen, heard, witnessed, acknowledged, appreciated, and respected. I give physical voice to all the parts of you that are hidden and unconscious - including receiving guidance from your Higher Self and soul, which is always a fun and exciting.
Sessions are always based around your needs. And that changes every day. Sometimes I serve you as a catalyst, sometimes a grounding rod, sometimes a medium, sometimes a 'spirit guide', sometimes a shamanic healer, and sometimes a therapist. And always a mentor and always on your side. I listen and feel very closely to your soul essence to help us discern what it is that you are asking for, underneath any confusion. As a result, this program will bring you CONFIDENCE and CLARITY.
In addition to our weekly mentoring calls, I support you daily for the next 6 months with ceremonial energy work that you will feel and notice. That alone will open doors for you. You'll start to notice things going your way in every sphere of your life. My background and training and spiritual gifts are shamanic in nature - that simply means that I use the tools of Gaia in order to enter an altered spiritual state. In that altered state I can assist you in 'programming' your reality and allow you to receive direct communication from both your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides. Because you will have consistent experiences which confirm that Spirit is working on your behalf, your intuition and connection to Spirit will improve. So will your physical health, relationships, and bank account.
What kind of miracles will happen for me?
When you commit to the Universe, the Universe commits back. In a big way. Those who have committed to my private mentoring programs in the past have always received massive transformation and abundance. Linda P, who was single for decades, met her soulmate within a few months after doing a vision quest with me last year. Kevin F, who also worked with me in a private mentoring experience, met his soulmate within WEEKS of completing that experience. Those are examples of the abundance that is waiting for you. Doors will open for you, that is the promise and the covenant that Spirit has with you. Whatever you are seeking will come quicker than you can possibly imagine, so GET READY.
Who is this program for?
* Spiritual souls and seekers who want to learn about and embrace their spiritual gifts. Your intuition and connection to your Highest Self will be ignited.
* Lightworkers who want to start or grow your practice and make a great income. I will be showing you exactly how to do this, step by step.
* Empaths who want to create a vortex of energy shielding and protection. You will learn to stop being drained by others and set proper boundaries.
* Business owners and leaders who want massive support for their projects and businesses. Your ROI will go through the roof as we work together to envision success.
* Trauma survivors who want to bring healing and Light to difficult experiences. We will work in a shamanic way to dissolve the influence of the trauma and bring acceptance and healing.
* Those who feel blocked or stuck or in a loop of inertia. This program will give you the accountability and energy to get that energy moving again!
* Those dedicated to improving their physical health and solving health challenges. I am a medical intuitive and we will figure out what's going on with your body and then work directly with Spirit to bring you healing energy.
What is the investment and how will it come back to me?
The investment is reflective of the value that you will receive - and that means that a 500% return on your investment is quite realistic. You become my personal 'project' for 2025 - and a part of my inner circle. We work together, as a team, to create the things that you are seeking in your life. And when I say that you have my support, I mean it. I will be sending you energy DAILY. I enter an altered state to work in spiritual realms to help you manifest. And you will feel that energy.
What can I expect to feel and experience?
First of all, blocks are removed in a 'fast track' way - so that the flow of energy is restored on all levels, physical, mental, and emotional. Your confidence will be ignited and you will KNOW that you can accomplish anything. Any anxiety or echos from past traumas will fade in the background. Your mind will be quiet. Because you will be in continuous contact with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self, you will experience true Peace, which is a 5D spiritual energy that will be showered upon you. Things start to go your way. Your bank account will rise. Your health will improve and we will address this early in our work, laying a foundation for success. And the inspired action assignments that spirit asks you to complete will absolutely be managable & not overwhelming. The bottom line is that you will be happier and more settled.
How will my intuitive and spiritual abilities change?
It is quite common as a result of your initiation to start to see colors in your field of vision, start of hear 'tones' more regularly (these are spirit programming your subconscious). You will experience wonderful synchronicities, and receive spontaneous psychic/intuitive downloads that will open you to your inherent creativity. All of your spiritual gifts like clairvoyance will start to increase, and those 'clairs' that have been dormant will become active. Clairalience (psychic smell) is one ability that is usually dormant in most but will become active. You will sense LOVING spirits in your consciousness. Any other dormant gifts like mediumship will also become active, in an absolutely safe and loving way. If you have any fear of working with the spirit realm, those fears will dissolve.
This program is designed only for those who are committed and devoted to taking ACTION.
When you commit to communing with Spirit, then you experience the following:
Radical Peace
Physical Health
Financial abundance
Better Professional/Career Experiences
Amazing soul-level relationships.
- 60-min weekly sessions (3 per month approx), for a total of 15 sessions. Includes 45-min of intensive energy and prayer work prior to each session. I also work you into my DAILY 2-hour prayer routine. (You will likely notice the effect of this energy - in your mood, physical health & what you manifest).
- Access to Michael for support via WhatsApp or Voxer voice text messages - whenever needed - (optional).
- Consistent daily energy work will open doors on a spiritual and energetic level.
- Hugely discounted invitation to REDWOOD RENDEZVOUS and Ocean Spirit Journey near my home. Meet for 4 days of spirit ceremony in an intimate small group with others like you. I extend this invitation for $1800 (semi-private room). All lodging and food is included. I invite you to my home to meet in a private and exclusive BONUS 60-min spiritual guidance session, if you choose to attend.
- Bonus Access to Soulpreneur Startup self-paced program ($997 value). This is optional & designed for lightworkers who want to start or grow a practice. Includes live group calls devoted exclusively to coaching that start Mar 17, 2025.
- Annual membership in the Empath Sanctuary - ($297 value) with it's monthly optional playshops.
- Inspired Action Assignments
- Soul Readings each session (I serve as a medium for info from your Higher Self & Spirit Guides).
I am accepting up to 3 new members into the program for March 2025 through Sept 2025
When will we meet on Zoom?
Your session time will be consistent from week to week throughout our time together.
SLOT 1: Choose Tuesdays at Noon Eastern or 8:30 pm Eastern - we can start as early as Tues, April 15th, 2025 and continue through September. You have total flexibility in the actual dates you choose.
SLOT 2: Choose Thursdays at Noon Eastern or 8:30 pm Eastern. We can start as early as Thurs. April 17th, 2025 - and continue through September. There is total flexibility in the dates you choose.
SLOT 3: We will meet together on WEDNESDAYS at Noon or 1 pm Eastern (or see below)- plus or minus one hour or so. This slot will start as early as Wed. April 2, 2025.
If you absolutely cannot meet at any of these times - I may be able to create a spot on Mondays between Noon and 8:30 pm Eastern time. Please apply if this applies to you and we can work it out.
I look forward to receiving your application!
Scroll down for more details including the price of your investment....
WEEKLY private Zoom Spiritual Guidance & Healing - April 2025 through September 2025.
* Six months of weekly spiritual guidance sessions
* Massive DAILY energy support (you'll notice the effect)
* Regular ongoing voice texts & check ins - whenever needed.
* Shamanic work will open doors for you
* Manifest more health, relationships & $$.
Payment plans availablmonths if desired.
I can not believe the growth. It was life changing for me! You are the most humble and giving soul. You lead by example, you are genuine and authentic. You want us to go within and learn to develop our own connection with Source. The Safe Space you create is healing and magical. Absolutely Amazing!
That might sound a bit dramatic, but I mean it. I don't wake up in the morning feeling lost and full of despair any more. I love and appreciate you more than I know how to express.
so it resounds across your energy field if you let it in. Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons many people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will tend to balance yours out. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes in people just by being in the room. The small little peak of conscious is what is discussed in sessions but there's a mountain going on beneath it..."
I have the most amazing update. I made the medicine wheel like you told me.... and set up a little bench for meditation right beside it.
On the first day that I walked the wheel backwards as you had instructed, I laid down on the bench to meditate and at some point I opened my eyes.
As I was looking at the sky, I started to notice a bunch of swirling spots of light against the blue sky near the trees just above me. I was like, what the hell is that? So I looked closer and I saw what looked like living dots of universal light swirling around.Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be thoughtfully feeding the trees,
If that's not magical, I don't know what is! I've seen them three times now. My wish was granted - literally! I am SO grateful and happy. I love and appreciate you more than I know how to express. THANK YOU!!