Mediumship Readings
with Michael Smith, Ph.D.

Hear specific & loving messages from loved ones in Spirit

Receive loving messages from your departed loved ones...

Ready to receive magic of communication from your loved ones and friends in Spirit?    

My name is Michael R. Smith, and I call myself a 'sherpa for Spirit'. I connect you and offer messages from your loved ones who have passed to 'the afterlife,' or what some call 'heaven' or 'the Other Side'. 

Some spirits come through with lighthearted messages, while other Spirits come through for purposes of seeking, and providing, healing to you.  

You can expect to receive important names connected to the Spirit, details of their passing, dates of births and anniversaries, descriptions of personalities, along with details of important personal memories that are specific to you and that Spirit.  

Additionally, Spirits often come through to clear the air and apologize for things they did in their human lives that may have hurt you.  When that happens, it can be an incredibly emotional and cathartic experience for all involved, including the Spirits that want to talk to you.

We are all one, and I look forward to meeting you and creating beauty together!      

The Benefits of Mediumship Readings:

  • Reunite with your loved ones in Spirit & KNOW they are still with you.
  • Receive clear, loving, nurturing messages that are specific to you -  including names, dates, and personal memories.
  • Receive life guidance to support you in areas of health, love, work/career, & relationships.
  • Benefit from the high vibe Source energy transmission during the session. You will feel a physical & emotional energy boost.
  • Sessions are recorded so you can share with others if you desire.


& Frequently Asked Questions

with Dr. Michael R. Smith

Mediumship is a profoundly healing experience. Whether you are seeking loving messages to help you heal from grief and loss, or whether you are seeking to bring forgiveness and clearing to karmic relationships - the beautiful aspect of mediumship is that you will always receive unconditionally loving messages of support from your loved ones that are specific to you, and life guidance for what you are currently going through in your human life.

A mediumship reading has been described by one of my friends as a 'phone call from the Spirit world'.  
Indeed.My soul-calling as a mental medium is to interpret the energy of your loved ones who have moved on to an unconditionally loving dimension with an indredibly high vibration.  Some people refer to this as 'heaven', 'the Other Side,' or 'the afterlife.'

I like to call myself a 'sherpa for Spirit.'  
I've been working as a professional Spirit medium and channel for nearly 20 years - and it's always such a JOY to serve as the 'bridge' between the worlds - so that you can feel, sense, and know that your loved ones, including pets, are STILL WITH YOU.   They never leave, and you will receive often incredible evidence of that truth in the sacred container of our private sessions.

And even though serving as a medium is akin to playing a game of 'psychic charades' -
 the one thing I can say with asbolute certainty is that when you ask Spirit for loving messages, from a humble heart without demands, they always provide you with exactly what you need.   In addition to providing evidence that life does indeed continue in another realm of existence, my goal in serving as a medium is that you receive hope, healing,  validation, and inspiration.    

Every medium works in a way that is unique to their Divine Blueprint
and design.  Because I am clairaudient, I can often literally hear the 'voice' of your loved ones in language that expresses the personality that they had while on Earth (and the personality that continues into the afterlife).  They will offer names, dates, and personal details, including personal memories, that leave you feeling incredibly uplifted and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that your loved ones are still with you.


What Spirits will show up to talk to me?
I encourage you prior to the session to place a request to Spirit to bring through messages from any loved ones to which you would like to speak. And then release all expectations over who shows up. Often there are surprises in the spirits that will show up to speak to you.

What kinds of details can I expect to hear?
Some spirits come through with lighthearted messages, while other Spirits come through for purposes of seeking, and providing, healing to you.  Whatever the reason, mediumship can be an emotional experience.  You can expect to receive important names connected to the Spirit, details of their passing, dates of births and anniversaries, descriptions of personalities, along with details of important personal memories that are specific to you and that Spirit.   Often, the most important information is the life guidance and message of support they offer. Additionally, Spirits often come through to clear the air and apologize for things they did in their human lives that may have hurt you.  When that happens, it can be an incredibly cathartic experience for all involved, including the Spirits that want to talk to you.  

Is there anything to fear?
Absolutely not.  Mediumship has been practiced since the beginning ot time, and only LOVING spirits are allowed to come through.  There has never been, and never will be, a moment where a dark spirit is allowed to come through for nefarious purposes.  You are absolutely protected, and you will feel only unconditional love, even from Spirits that might have been problematic for you in their Earthly existence.  

Can I purchase a gift certificate for a loved one?
Absolutely! good for up to one year from purchase. Scroll to the bottom to purchase one or more sessons.

What other benefits will I receive in addition to spiritual messages of love?
We open ourselves up only to the Light, and you will receive Spirit energy that will uplift you and energize you, both physically and emotionally.. An additional benefit of these sessions is that they will activate and open your own mediumship channel, so you will receive more clear messages on your own between you and Spirit.

Who are these sessions NOT for?
Skeptics and those seeking entertainment.  If you are a skeptic, don't even waste your money or time, because I can tell you right now that the sessions will not work.  Spirit only provides healing for those that suspend expectations and allow the magic to happen. If you are getting a gift certificate for a loved one, please choose with discernment. I simply do not work with skeptics or those with an agenda and if I sense this energy in a session, I will end it right away without a refund.

Why is your session price higher?  It takes an incredible amount of energy for me to connect to Spirit in this way.  I prepare all day, and thus the price reflects that commitment. Most find the resulting healing & peace you receive to be worth well more than the $$ price.

info do you need from me?
  Nothing.  I don't need any information in advance  I prefer to know as little as possible, so please do not tell me in advance who you are wanting to her from.

"Michael is a powerfully gifted channeler.  The communication was unmistakably specific to me.  My Dad showed up first—Michael said, “sunny side up,” and my Dad’s thing was to make breakfast for us.  He would always say, “sunny side up?”  And, he loved his eggs sunny side up!  No question, it was him.  And, when I heard the phrase, “speedy Gonzalez,” —I immediately knew it was my friend Leah, who used to always say that.  Michael gave many specific details too, like, how each of them passed. It was super powerful.  I am forever grateful."
- Michele L.
"Experiencing mediumship with Michael was remarkable. He connected me to the spirit of someone I knew 50 years ago.  On the many details and evidence that he shared from my friend, I could confirm almost 70% accuracy on his channeling; It could easily be higher, except there were certain things I did consciously know about my friend's life.   This was humbling and an honor. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am so different now than I was just a few short days ago.  It is remarkable how quickly life can flip 180 when you search for answers, and are open to receive." 
- Carol Morris
"Michael,You were phenomenal the other night with the mediumship. I was in awe of your mediumship connection abilities.  I am so thankful for the wonderful messages both my sister and I received. She was equally pleased and says it has given her a lot to think about."
- K
"Michael's energy is incredibly high vibrational so it resounds across your energy field.   Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will balance yours out, as well. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes in people just by being in the room. The small little peak of conscious is what is discussed in sessions, but there's a mountain going on beneath it..."
- Carissa Schumacher, Channel for Yeshua & NY Times author of

Exclusive Mediumship Sessions for Summer 2024


This is a one-on-one 60-minute recorded Zoom video session (or phone session if needed).  Typically you will get 2-3 spirits that come through with affirmative and loving messages of support.  You will receive names, dates, and often personal memories that only you know.

Loved ones will often have specific messages to support you in the areas of health, love, and career.

2 PACK:  You can purchase one session for yourself and one as a gift for someone else, if you desire. Please indicate this on the order form. Can be scheduled up to one year in the future.

Sessions are recorded & sent within 3-5 days after the session.

Intro Rate:
$355 for 60 min

or Two Sessions for $660

(Reg. $450/session)

6-10 week wait.
Good thru Jun 19th

BUY NOW - $355 Intro Rate

Gift Certificate Session

Wanna spread the love?  Purchae a gift certficate for a friend or loved one to receive message from their departed relatives and friends.
Sessions can be held on Zoom or via the phone, however the client prefers.

Sessions can be scheduled anytime within a one year span. Once you purchase this, Michael will follow up with them, as long as you provide him with the contact info of the person(s) for whom  you are purchasing in a follow up email.

BUY NOW -$355 (Intro Rate)

What are your other SESSION options?

SINGLE SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE SESSIONS - $300 intro rate for Summer 2024

ONE HOUR single session

You can see my current availability here.

We connect on my Zoom video conferencing line. All sessions are recorded for later reflection.

Single sessions expire 4 months after purchase.  A payment plan is available for all options. By making payment, you agree that you are 100% committed and that there are no refunds.

You can read some of the comments about
the quality of my work here. 

Purchase Spiritual Guidance Session

Read more testimonials.

"Experiencing mediumship with Michael was remarkable. ....

He connected me to the spirit of someone I knew 50 years ago.  On the many details and evidence that he shared from my friend, I could confirm almost 70% accuracy on his channeling; It could easily be higher, except there were certain things I did consciously know about my friend's life.   This was humbling and an honor. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am so different now than I was just a few short days ago.  It is remarkable how quickly life can flip 180 when you search for answers, and are open to receive." 
- Carol Morris

- L.M.

"Michael is truly a powerfully gifted channeler.  

The language and manner of communication that was channeled in our Mediumship Session was unmistakably specific to me.  For example, my Dad showed up first—I knew it was him because Michael said, “sunny side up,” and my Dad’s “thing” was to make breakfast for us.  He would always say, “sunny side up or over easy?”  And, he loved his eggs sunny side up!  No question, it was him.  And, when I heard the phrase, “speedy Gonzalez,” Michael and I both cracked up—I immediately knew it was my friend Leah, a real jokester, who used to always say that.  No one else would know these things.  Michael gave many specific details, too, like, how each of them passed. It was super powerful.  I am forever grateful."

- Michelle L.

Michael's energy is incredibly high vibrational....

so it resounds across your energy field if you let it in.   Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons many people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc. His energy is very balanced so it will tend to balance yours out. That was why ascended masters like Christ and Buddha manifest such profound changes in people just by being in the room. The small little peak of conscious is what is discussed in sessions but there's a mountain going on beneath it..."

Carissa Schumacher , Channel for Yeshua and NY Times author of THE FREEDOM TRANSMISSIONS

The energies you create are so wonderful and beyond my comprehension.....

I have the most amazing update. I made the medicine wheel like you told me.... and set up a little bench for meditation right beside it.

On the first day that I walked the wheel backwards as you had instructed, I laid down on the bench to meditate and at some point I opened my eyes.

As I was looking at the sky, I started to notice a bunch of swirling spots of light against the blue sky near the trees just above me. I was like, what the hell is that? So I looked closer and I saw what looked like living dots of universal light swirling around.Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be thoughtfully feeding the trees,  

If that's not magical, I don't know what is! I've seen them three times now. My wish was granted - literally! I am SO grateful and happy.  I love and appreciate you more than I know how to express. THANK YOU!!

-Tara F.