Private Ceremony & Spiritual Connection
In Sedona & Flagstaff Arizona
(at the home of Michael Smith)
April 25-28, 2024


Welcome home.....
to a weekend of ceremony & Spirit connection 1:1 with Michael Smith

Get ready for a transformative weekend of private spiritual ceremony (One on One) while staying at the home and land of Michael Smith in one of the most powerful energy vortexes on Earth.....Sedona and Flagstaff Arizona.

We will work closely with each other, and with Spirit, to release that which holds you back, and open up your channel so that you can more consistently (and clearly) receive Spirit communication.

All done in a relaxed atmosphere of pure joy and laughter

Spaces are extremely limited....

SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION NOW to be considered for April 25-28, 2024



A weekend of private ceremony & connection at the home of Michael Smith in Flagstaff & Sedona, Arizona

I am so eager to welcome you home to the sacred lands of Sedona and Flagstaff Arizona for an amazing weekend of ceremony and spiritual connection! (Pictured above is the view from my home....where you will be anchored into the tranquility of a zero point energy vortex).

If you are committed to deepening your relationship with Spirit, and ready to be initiated into spiritual ceremony, including an authentic traditional vision quest experience, then read on......

Many of you know that I have devoted my life to serving Spirit - and that has included rigorous shamanic experience and ceremonial preparation over the last 20+ years to practice the medicine ways of our ancestors.  And now the time has come to share that wisdom with you in a 1:1 ceremonial experience which will prepare you for a life of deeper meaning, connection, Service to Spirit, and Joy.

On May 2-5, 2024, I am welcoming two (2) community members into my home, on three acres of sacred and tranquil land near a zero-point energy vortex in Flagstaff for a weekend of magic, community, and connection.   In addition to the magic that comes from deep personal connection and conversation, you will experience four days of deep union and communion with the Spirit realm.  The intention of the weekend is to engage you in practices and activities that will amplify your intuition and your ability to deeply TRUST it.

After you submit your application in which you share with me your intentions, we will work together, prior to your arrival, to prepare you both energetically and logistically.   This will include a private zoom session at some point prior - in which you will be initiated into the energy of your weekend vision quest.  There will be a list of practices that I, and Spirit, will ask you to engage in prior to your arrival, so that the Spirit realm can 'reach' you more easily once you arrive on the land.

There will be one other person which will be sharing in this weekend experience, and the three of us work as a team.   The effect of one additional person participating in the weekend ceremony will enhance and amplify your ability to connect to Spirit.     Good things come in threes, especially in ceremony!

On the day after your arrival at my home in Flagstaff, we will explore the beautiful, sacred, and ancient energy vortexes of Sedona, Arizona for a full day of spiritual ceremony.  The land of Sedona has an amplifying effect on your ability to receive strong and clear messages from your intuition, and from Spirit.  Then, on day 3, we will spend the whole day in a vision quest experience on the land at my home that will be the capstone experience of your time here, and perhaps even one of the capstone experiences of your life.

During vision quest experiences, the energy, time, and money that you spend in preparation comes back to you tenfold.   You can expect to have experiences of deep synchronicity, waking visions, enhanced psychic perception, and very likely outright Spirit contact from loved ones, guides, and ancestors.   That's the intention, and of course, how the experience actually unfolds is dependent upon what you NEED, not what you want.  We humble ourselves deeply to the Spirit world during experiences like this, and that humility is a transcendent experience in and of itself.  

After the weekend, you will come away relaxed, refreshed, and more connected to the Source of your existence, with less worry and monkey-mind.  Because of your preparation and your commitment, you will experience unconditional love and acceptance for yourself.  A warm blanket of comfort and love is what we will co-create together, and I look forward to receiving your application, and potentially welcoming you into my home so that you can FEEL at home in your human body and existence.

 With love, devotion, prayer and gratitude for you,



"Tears became laughter, releasing became freedom, blurred Channels became clear.
This experience helped each of us to become more "Whole".  Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker, a human angel, and listened deeply with all 6 senses whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space for you with unconditional love and acceptance. His mission is clear and abundant; to help heal the world, one person, one group at a time.  I would do it again in a heartbeat."  - Judy Johnson, speaking on the 2023 Sedona retreat.

"Michael, as I am sitting here this morning ready to depart, I have so much gratitude and emotion overcoming me, I need to let you know how much I am thankful. Giving us a safe space to be ourselves, to learn, to heal and transform is what makes what you accomplished and what we all accomplished this weekend so magical. I never had such a truly spiritual experience."
- Janine
"Tears became laughter, weakness became strength, releasing became freedom, blurred Channels became clear, strangers became lifelong friends. I would do it again in a heartbeat. This experience helped each of us to become more "Whole" as many of us were fragmented from the every day vicissitudes of life.  Michael is the embodiment of a Lightworker and an "Angel" in a human body! He is so obviously tuned in to the Divine at all times. He listened deeply with all 6 senses to each group member whilst simultaneously channeling from the Divine. That was a wonder to behold for me and I believe for all of us! There was no doubt that you can comfortably share "anything" about yourself and have him hold space for you with unconditional love and acceptance." - JUDY JOHNSON
"This retreat was a Godsent and a breath of fresh air. I am so thankful for my ability to listen to my higher self and obey what my soul needed. I walked into this retreat confused seeking answers and walked out reborn and excited OWNING all the parts of me to attract love, peace, abundance, and live a life of flow and happiness. Take the leap you will not regret it!"  
- Warren Augustin, Texas
"The Sedona Retreat was transformative and unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It was a culmination of true human interaction, time and space with my higher self and with that of others. Exposure to traditional practices that I would've never had the opportunity to witness or participate in; they were full circle moments where I felt connected to ancestors and generations before me. A peace with what was, a removal of expectation and fear for what may be, and an openness and space to just be right now. We each walked through fears, sat in the space of grief, danced, cried in pain and in joy. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat."  
- Thomas G.
"Michael has created a safe space for sensitive people to gather and learn to work with their gifts in a non-overwhelming, hands-on way that is unique in my experience. Learning to be vulnerable and to connect with other people in that vulnerability is a powerful thing and difficult when one is so sensitive to energy from others. In my opinion, unravelling established patterns of distrust and overwhelm is the first, very important step to learning to work with the empath gifts and this retreat really went a long way to that end."
- Beth R.
"I am still in awe and gratitude for the incredible weekend and the energy your poured into us. Love and transformation was abound. It continues to ripple. You have taught and reminded me to take pause. I am grateful for you and thank you for the blessings you bestowed on our entire group." 
- Jennifer

Strengthen your Connection to your Divine Self in Nature with Kindred Spirits....

Learn advanced techniques, practices, ceremonies, and tools to purify your energy field, transform your relationship with the Divine and learn how to interpret Spirit communication.

"Life changing doesn't even begin to describe it. What an unbelievable time!
- Kevin Friel,
speaking about the May 2023 Sedona event

"Amazing doesn't even come close!  
I'm still thrumming!" - Linda Phillips

The Medicine Weekend Experience includes:

  • 4 power packed days in the unforgettable and unparalleled energy of sacred Sedona Arizona and at the Flagstaff home of Michael Smith, which is located on three acres of sacred land in a beautiful forest and near a dormant volcano (zero point energy vortex).
  • Personal transformation, support & nurturing through the power of ceremony & connection. Come ready to release what holds you back and receive NEW energy to fuel your coming year.
  • Refresh your energy with gentle yoga, breathwork, and meditation done in a unified field. For all body types and all abilities - we will work with your body where it is at.
  • Opportunity to receive energy healing from Michael, should you desire,.
  • Learn how to communicate with Spirit and open your own channel to higher dimensional Spiritual/Source energy to strengthen your Intuition and Spiritual connection
  • Practices to strengthen your energy field so that you are not taking on other people's energies.
  • Deeply immerse yourself in nature and Spirit, away from the distractions of modern life. You will experience an authentic 1-day vision quest experience in which your channel will be deeply opened to the Spirit world so that you can have direct communication & other magical experiences.
  • Experience several Native American ceremonies
  • Private bedroom (& likely shared bath) in Michael's home with up to one other ceremony participant.  

Your Facilitator:

Dr. Michael R. Smith

For nearly 20 years, Dr. Michael R. Smith's pioneering work to connect empaths and sensitives with their Divine potential has reached millions. Michael has been a practitioner of shamanic and indigenous (Lakota based) ceremonial arts for the last 20 years. He lives in the mountains of Flagstaff, AZ,  where he will introduce you to the elemental and nature spirits that inhabit the land where he lives and caretakes. Michael wil facilitate an authentic vision quest experience for you on his land on Day 3 of the 4-day experience.

Your Soul is calling you....

Medicine Weekend & Vision Quest Daily Outline

THURSDAY, April 25, 2024

Plan your arrival at the home of Michael Smith in Flagstaff, Arizona for around 1 pm or after. You can fly into Flagstaff airport for added convenience- and Michael will pick you up at the airport.  Or, for cheaper flights and more selection, you can fly into Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and take a 2.5 hour Groome shuttle ($75) drive to Michael's home.  We will spend the evening relaxing informally and connecting in a short opening ceremony.

FRIDAY, April 26, 2024
After morning yoga and meditation led by Michael, we will spend the day exploring the sacred energy vortexes in Sedona, Arizona, a one hour drive from Michael's home. We will likely visit two different vortexes, one in the morning, break for lunch (included), and then one in the afternoon.   The sacred and ancient land has an amplifying effect on your energy and opens a portal to Spirit.  I will lead you through a full day of activities and exercises deisigned to strengthen your intuition and connection to Spirit.

SAT. April 27, 2024
After morning yoga and meditation, we will spend the morning in spirit activities preparing for your vision quest experience, which will be facilitated on land on my property in the afternoon (and potentially outdoors overnight, if you desire, weather dependent). The vision quest will be facilitated in a manner that is inspired by traditional indigenous culture and practices. You will be using your inuition to locate your power place on the land, and then I will facilitate and shepard you into a deep sacred ceremony in which you commune with nature and with Spirit. The vision quest experience will involve your commitment and preparation in advance of your arrival.  We will explore, well in advance, everything you need to do to energetically and logistically prepare yourself for this capstone experience.

SUNDAY, April 28, 2024

The day will begin with some light yoga & meditiation (time dependent), and then you will prepare for your departure. It is recommended to arrange a flight that leaves around 11 am to Noon from Flagstaff -or around 3 to 7 pm from Phoenix.  We will end with a closing ceremony that will prepare you for 're-entry' into your regular daily life.

The view from Michael's home
Your ceremony facilitator, Michael Smith in Sedona at the 2023 Medicine Weekend
One of the sacred sites that we may visit

APPLY for The 2024 Medicine Weekend & Vision Quest

DEADLINE TO APPLY:  Fri. March 15, 2024

There will be 2 spots available,
and you will share this weekend ceremony with one other empath and Michael.

  1. 1. NO REFUNDS. The only exception to this would be if you became ill and needed to cancel for that reason.
  2. 2. LODGING & TRANSPORT:  You are responsible for your own transportation to and from Flagstaff.  Michael can pick you up at the Flagstaff airport, or you can fly into Phoenix and take a 2.5 hour shuttle ride to his home. You will have a private bedroom and shared bathroom staying in Michael's home for the weekend. Michael will provide two meals a day - a basic breakfast/brunch and snacks - and a simple dinner.  You will likely want to bring some snacks, and you can buy personal food during a shopping trip upon your arrival.

    3.  AIRPORT:  You can fly into the Flagstaff airport - or you can also fly into Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport where there is more selection of available times and better prices (2.5 hour drive from Michael's home).  You can arrange a shuttle if you fly into Phoenix. CLICK HERE for shuttle. (Groome Transportation). .

    4. PAYMENT - Once your application is approved, if you are chosen by Spirit to attend, Michael will send you an invoice for the amount due. Your first installment is due to secure your spot, and will allow me to begin ceremonial preparations on your behalf. You may split your payment into three monthly payments if desired.

    5. PREPARATION:  You agree that by applying that you will commit to following specific instructions to prepare prior to your arrival.  I, Michael, will share certain behaviors to avoid and practices to prepare yourself so that you can energetically be ready to receive the gifts of Spirit.

    6. .All registrants will become automatic 6-month members of the Empath Sanctuary community, which is a $350 value.

  3. Got questions? Email Michael Smith