An 8-week intensive for Empath Entrepreneurs
& Solopreneurs
who want to take their business
to the NEXT LEVEL & create more income.

Next cycle begins in March 2024.

REGISTRATION opens March 24

Make your Biz the Shizz......

The Empath Biz Accelerator 8-week course intensive will show you, step-by-step, how to GROW YOUR BUSINESS with clarity & grounded direction.

More income, next level results so that you can manifest like the rock star that you are.

REGISTRATION opens March 2024.

8-Weeks of Step by Step Planning and Preparation

You can relax.   We've got you covered.  

With our nurturing, support, and hands on coaching and mentoring, overwhelm will be replaced with CALM and Clarity. 

You will learn and practice rock solid strategies for taking the necessary and required aligned actions so that you can THRIVE as a solopreneur and business owner.

Your next level abundance awaits you........


You'll be magnetizing yourself to incredible evolution and growth. This class is part WOO - where you will connect to Spirit to transcend blocks - and also part DO - where you will take aligned actions that do not feel overwhelming.

YOU'LL feel energy, freedom and liberation knowing that the Universe has your back.


Take your Business NEXT LEVEL in the NEW ERA~

Michael R. Smith, PhD

Molly Hamill

We know that you are committed to moving past entrepreneurial struggles...and harnessing the energy of the NEW ERA of consciousness.

When you, and business, becaomes SO much easier, graceful, and SMOOTH.....

Up until now, your experience may have been filled with uncertainty, rejection, inconsistent income, icky sales conversations, self-doubt, time challenges, creative blocks, and the gazillions of other issues that entrepreneurs must face. You might even find yourself resenting your business because of a lack of free time, not enough money, and a squeezing of the joy out of your life.

THAT ALL ENDS NOW.    Because.....

The opportunities for empath entrepreneurs are REAL.  Especially NOW, in 2023, as we SHIFT into a new era in which you have easy access to spiritual GOLD.

We are in an energetic, universal paradigm shift, where tapping more deeply into unseen gifts, such as being an empath, will create greater ease and success than ever before.

Instead of continuing down the path of the hot mess entrepreneur whose empathic gifts feel like a burden, we want to invite you to powerfully step into the abundant empath entrepreneur you were meant to be.

To experience more confidence, clarity, simplicity and success in your business. Because people need your voice. They need your vision. They need your service.

So, here's the deal:


Finding the right support and systems for your biz hasn’t happened
Things have felt inconsistent and unorganized
Sales and marketing give you a case of the heebie-jeebies
Your gifts as an empath have felt like a burden
You haven’t quite manifested what you know is possible


You are exactly who will benefit from what we are about to share.

To support your transformation, my amazing friend and colleague Molly Hamill and I are offering an 8-week intensive experience designed to keep you fully aligned with and committed to the Highest vision for your business - and to do that while staying in energetic Balance while taking your business, and income, to the next level.

It's called The Empath Biz Accelerator: - and it's designed to make sure your biz is the shizz!  It will act like rocket fuel for your manifesting abilities.

The class contains 8 weeks of content, masterminding, and interaction - along with several bonus weeks of DEDICATED LIVE COACHING that will IGNITE your ideas, inspiration, creativity and motivation.

Not only will you receive hands-on personal mentoring from Molly Hamill and Michael Smith, you will practice - live in class - unique, powerful, and practical exercises to refine your skills and get true CLARITY on your business and future.  And perhaps best of all?  You'll do it all with your fellow empath and sensitive business owners who are just as dedicated to having fun and creating JOY as you.  


- Intermediate business owners
who have been in business for awhile and seeking to grow.
- Lightworkers or Healers that are struggling to fill your client or class rosters
- Wellness practitioners
- Mental health coaches & Counselors
- Health coaches
- Reiki practitioners
- Anyone with a business that is destined for GREATNESS


Feeling supported (not scattered and confused) by structures and systems in your biz
Being the queen (or king) of confidence (not awkwardness) when you think of sales
Allowing the magic that is you to generate next level results (Cue the exhale.)

That’s the deep dive we’re taking during the EMPATH BIZ ACCELERATOR.

This 8-week online intensive mentorship program will help you to fully embody rock-solid confidence so that you can unapologetically take your personal and professional life to the NEXT LEVEL - and earn a great living.

"During the program, I set a goal to earn 15% more than last year.  I’ve already reached that, with more than 2 ½ months left in the year.  I also let go of a client whose values were not aligned with mine - and in the process they still referred two new companies to me!   And although my plate is very full, I am grateful to work with wonderful clients that I started with during this program, and knowing that this will fund a family trip overseas has created a gratefulness that has made a world of difference.  Michael and Molly are each exceptional, and the combination of the two of them is very powerful in shifting perspective, getting you focused, and creating clarity around your goals.  I highly recommend joining their program!"

Michael & Molly

Register  NOW- Scroll below

The THREE 'C's of Entrepreneur Success:


Once you are fully committed, the Universe brings you exactly what you need (and then some!).


Finding the time to connect to Higher Intelligence for guidance is crucial. When you ditch the empath distress through connection, you'll have new energy and excitement - along with increased INCOME.


Finding the time to channel your creativity is the primary building block of enacting your vision for your work and life....


  1. KEYS TO EASE -  In order to be successful in this new era, which officially kicked off at the end of March, you HAVE to understand what the energetics of it are.
  2. AUTOMATIC AUTHENTICITY – You will experience the confidence to fully embody and SHARE your authentic self and your personal medicine - without fear.
  3. CASH CONFIDENCE – You will magnetize yourself to financial abundance.  Whether you've been practicing 'on the side' or part-time, you will remove blocks to earning more income.  
  4. ENERGETIC BRANDING –  in the new era, the Essence of who you Are on a spiritual level is what attracts your income and your clients/customers. We are going to show you a completely new and unique method.
  5. MARKETING AS MAGIC - You'll learn all about why 'slow marketing' is actually a powerful word to embrace.  When you use marketing to channel your 5D spirit connection, it becomes GOLD.
  6. ENERGY ACCOUNTABILITY - Reading customer emails at midnight?  That is energetically setting you up for distress and overwhelm.  How you care for yourself is directly tied to your  success.
  7. INFINITE IGNITION – As your business grows and evolves, it is important to stay connected to the Infinite source so that you are constantly receiving energy and inspiration.  

Tuition includes the following:

  • EIGHT weeks of connection, content & creativity. Each weekly class is 2 hours long. We begin on Tues Oct 10th, 2023 at 8:15pm Eastern - and end on Tues. Dec 5th, 2023.
  • BONUS:  Get a 60-min PERSONAL SESSION with Molly or Michael if you are one of the first four to register ($400 value).
  • HUGE BONUS:  ALL registrants are being gifted with enrollment in Molly's 8-week class -"RAI$$E" - a money magnetism course. This will keep your forward momentum.  (Normally $888 for this course).
  • Several dedicated group coaching calls built into the program. Dig in deep - and work it out - with Michael & Molly offering wisdom and guidance to guide your business.
  • ONLINE CHAT  with instructors & your fellow classmates.  
  • Practical, concrete weekly action assignments & exercises to keep your forward momentum. (not overwhelming).
  • Permanent access to video recordings and handouts.
  • Free access to Michael's Empath Sanctuary membership community for 4 months.   ($497 value). This is one way to receive personal support and coaching after the class has ended.
  • You will receive an accountability partner to keep you committed to completing each week's lesson
"By enrolling in the Accelerator program, I gained the confidence to fully commit to myself and Spirit.  And I am getting rewarded in return, I am learning and receiving some perks that I doubt I would have even considered. Best of all, I am actually finally getting paid! Before this program, I was selling myself short, I lacked the confidence to declare my worth. This last weekend, I co-facilitated a half day retreat, I spent the day doing all of my favorite things that fill me up with joy and I got paid for it! I ended my "work day" with a massive smile, peaceful energy and full of gratitude.
- Chrissy Miller, participant in the 2023 Spring Accelerator
"Absolutely worth every penny!  The Accelerator course was just what I needed to move out of the rut of NOT DOING into sharing my gifts with the world.  I was in a rut and felt insecure.  A lawyer by profession but a  healer by birthright, the class assisted me in accepting my soul's calling and my gifts of energy healing with the world. Michael and Molly will guide you to step into your power and do what you were meant to do. That is to make this planet a better place by sharing your unique gifts in your unique way and make money along the way."  
- Krystal Thompson,
participant in spring 2023 Accelerator
"(The) course gave me so much awareness about what was really holding me back from my business. Molly and Michael are Mindset Masters. I learned exercises for my spirit, disciplines for my mind, and a stronger awareness of how to push through my fears.”  – Samantha
"This class has been epic! You have done a wonderful job. Your techniques are great feels like I really hear it now. I'm excited now, not as anxious. Every part you share feels so important - the group - the tech -the meditations, and the non-judgemental support. Thank you for your gifts!"
- S.

“I'm grateful that esoteric concepts were translated into tangible practices.
As a coach and business founder, I have implemented them to truly surrender the struggles and experience more effortless and authentic achievement.” - Elizabeth
“In under three minutes Molly helped me clear a business block I’d had for three years! The shift was so intense we could both feel the palpable exhale of release.” Trish

Meet your instructors

Michael R. Smith, Ph.D.

In 2007, Michael was going broke trying to make a living as an energy healer, and decided to create Empath Connection and serve exclusively as a spiritual guide for empaths. Since then, his work has reached millions of people worldwide.

He has published two books, logged over 300+ media appearances, taught multiple hundreds of classes, and has a social media following of 150,000+ on Facebook along with a YouTube channel with nearly 5,000 subscribers and 300,000 views.  

Molly Hamill

Molly blends her intuitive abilities and business background to offer her signature EntreprenYour Energetics™ sessions, helping entrepreneurs unlock the blocks and step into their own brand of leadership and power. Prior to launching her own biz in 2015, she was a human resources executive, leading her company to the prestigious Grand Prize Workplace Excellence Award by SHRM. Her corporate focus included executive and leadership coaching, training, and organizational development. She holds an M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and B.S. in Marketing Management, plus a whole bunch of certifications.

Benefits of the Empath Biz Accelerator program:


The Empath Biz Accelerator program provides a grounding force so that you'll thrive instead of getting overwhelmed by the thought of doing everything on your own.  You will receive step-by-step guidance that will bring your business next level in small, digestible chunks.


so that you'll reach your goals and eliminate procrastination. Who wants to do this by yourself?   This class will provide the accountability to keep forward momentum. There will be action assignments to keep you on track, and you'll access weekly exercises from your private web portal.


from your HIGHER SELF.  In this class, you will learn to take your CUES FROM your own connection to Higher Intelligence. Learn where to take your business and possible next steps ....and much channelled wisdom from your intructors as well.


You'll have an opportunity to work personally with Molly Hamill and Michael Smith - to help you achieve the CLARITY of vision for your practice. We will hold the Highest spiritual vision for you even when you don't necessarily believe it. We will ask you to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone and hold the vision for the manifestation of your intentions.

Join the Empath Biz Accelerator

There are 11 spaces available, first come, first served.

  1. Payment Plans are Available (up to 10 monthly payments)
REGISTER - March 24


Pay as little as $250/mo

MARCH 24 - Schedule TBA

ALL CLASSES ARE TUES 8:15 pm Eastern

1.  Tues. Oct 10 2023

2. Tues Oct 17
3. Tues Oct 25

We skip Halloween on Oct 31

4. Tues Nov 7
5. Tues, Nov 14
6. Tue Nov 21
7. Tues Nov 28
8. Tues Dec 5th