5-Week Online Empath Training - Since 2010
With Michael Smith, Ph.D.
FAST TRACK into your spiritual power
We begin on Wed. March 5th at 8:15 pm Eastern.
You had a proven method of transformation – created specifically for empaths like you, that allowed you to rapidly transform the blocks and anxiety that hold you back from experiencing your OWN Divine energy.
This is what you'll receive in our live 5-week spiritual intensive program.
We call on Divine Source energy to raise your vibration so you won't absorb other people's energy, and you'll commit to achieving new momentum toward your dreams (instead of feeling overwhelmed or drained). All done in community with other empaths who are part of your soul family.
PLUS! I will be offering evidential mediumship. You may receive and hear specific and clear healing messages from your loved ones in the Spirit world.
Class begins on Wednesday March 5, 2025 at 8:15 pm Eastern time and runs 2 to 2.5 hours each week.
Doors close on Mon March 3, 2025.
The Empath Academy is a spiritual intensive designed to prevent you from experiencing the overwhelm and stress that is associated with being an empath - AND to do it by firing up your connection to SPIRIT.
Our class time together is designed for you to experience RAPID growth so that your experience as an empath will never be the same.
Once you complete our 5-week spiritual intensive class, you will absolutely TRUST your intuition as a result of the MAGIC that Spirit has in store for you. It's a transformational, step-by-step empath course that will lead to levels of self love and Divine connection that you have not yet experienced.
In our empath class, three important things will occur:
First, you'll learn to stop absorbing low vibe energy from other people through healing your mental and emotional bodies. Second, you'll open up your connection to Divine Source energy (which offers all the protection you would need). And third, you will experience the REAL you, the one that doesn't doubt your own worth - nor procrastinate on your aspirations and dreams.
In exploring all 3 areas above, you'll learn to love yourself unconditionally. You will experience your full power, perhaps for the first time, and won't ever 'over-give' out of a false sense of responsibility or obligation. Your boundaries, and your energy, will be intact.
And as your vibration is raised and you commit to changing your defeating behaviors, you'll learn about your other nifty spiritual powers as well. We devote a good chunk of class time to strengthening your intuitive gifts, like clairvoyance, clairaudience, even clairalience (yes, psychic smell!) :)
Once you have a full understanding of your spiritual powers, you will choose to engage those gifts only when it's helpful to you.....and you'll learn to set boundaries that protect your own energy. And that includes boundaries with the Spirit world. You don't always have to be 'on'.
You'll also learn to stop the influence of that monkey mind. You know, the one that tells you aren't good enough. The one that doubts everything and blocks you, sabotages you, and prevents you from experiencing Joy.
One of the most unique aspects of the course is that you will learn how to bring the energy of PEACE ad a quiet mind into your consciousness. Your monkey mind will soon be a thing of the past because we will practice mind quieting each week. Here's a video of Melinda, who feels a 'glimpse' of the higher PEACE energy for the first time.
We do a unique form of what is called 'shadow' work in weeks 3-4 Through this work, you'll learn to truly accept all parts of yourself. As a result, you will experience a freedom and liberation previously unknown.
No longer will you doubt your life purpose nor procrastinate on your dreams. Your soul calling and soul knowing will be your dominant experience, NOT the limiting self talk and mental chatter that doubts your own worth.
If you resonate with me, you are feeling that for a reason - it's your own SOUL and Higher Self speaking to you - if you decide to follow that - you are going to be absolutely mesmerized by what we co-create TOGETHER in one of the most unique empath classes that exist.. Listen to that soul call.
I can't wait to explore with you personally!
11 spaces total. First come, first served.
Doors close on Mon. March 3, 2025
Wed, March 5, 2025: 8:15 to 10:45 pm Eastern. Finding Out Who You Are and Discovering the "Medicine" you carry. Unconditional self love and forgiveness of self and others. How to create a Personal Energy Shield. Physical & Mental Mastery.
Wed. March 12, 2025 - 8:15 to 10:30 p.m. Eastern Opening a strong connection to Source, Spirit, & your Higher Self. Exercises to amplify and strengthen your intuition and release doubt. Clearing Unwanted Emotional States and trauma. processes for integrating your shadow and ego/fear. Mental Mastery (releasing mental chatter & overthinking).
Wed. March 19, 2025- 8:15 to 10:30 pm Eastern. Energy Polarities and why they are important as an empath. Clearing energy blocks in all 4 bodies. Emotional Mastery (unique form of shadow work). Owning one's authentic truth.
Wed. March 26, 2025- 8:15 to 10:30 pm Eastern.
Protective strategies and setting boundaries with others so you aren't drained. Releasing the empath-narcissist connection. Connecting to Higher Self (continued). Spiritual Mastery. Live mediumship (gallery readings).
Wed. April 2, 2025- 8:15 to 10:30 p.m. Eastern. Intuition and Spiritual development continued. Taking Your Skills Into the World. Using Your Gifts to help others & fulfilling your Life Purpose. Living life as a vessel for Spirit.
*Note that these topics are subject to change based on the flow of the course.
This course has benefitted multiple hundreds of empaths over the last 10 years….both beginners and 'advanced' alike. For every cycle, the Universe sends us your brothers and sisters who vibe on the same wavelength as you. I survey the class after every cycle, and over the last 2 years, over 75% of participants have given it the highest possible rating, stating that the course exceeded their expectations. Additionally, over 70% have stated that they received more value than what they paid, while the other 30% stated they received value equal to what they paid.
Each step of the way, you are given simple exercises and weekly homework to hold you accountable for sustaining your progress. You’ll be sharing with other empaths across the globe who will help you feel understood,validated, and supported. You'll learn that you CAN create boundaries and not be drained. MAGIC HAPPENS HERE. In fact, a magic and alchemy will begin the moment you make the decision to sign up. When you sign up, it's a huge sign to the universe that you are ready for something NEW and greater.
The content of the Empath Academy is a system I have developed through metaphysical exploration and connection to the Divine. I've had the benefit and pleasure to learn and grow with talented and humble indigenous leaders, shamans, medicine men/women,channels, along with a mentoring & healing practice for two decades.
I meet you halfway in union with Source/Divine/Universe. I’ve taught over 48 empath academies over the last 10 years to hundreds of students worldwide who have gone on to learn to refine their empath gifts. Many former students are now using their empath gifts professionally, serving the Divine through dharma and helping others. Carissa Schumacher is now a renowned spirit medium using her gifts to lead Sacred Spirit Illumination tours in Sedona, AZ. It has been such a rewarding experience to see my clients light the spark in others and spread the Love through the world over the last decade.
My name is Michael Smith, and I've been working professionally as a spiritual guide, psychologist, healing energy practitioner, & counselor for 20 years. My goal is to help you as a creative and intuitive empath step into your own energy and connect to your true Essence, which is Source. When you do, nothing can touch or hurt you and you can Serve others through your Light. And my Ph.D. doesn't mean too much, really. It just means I took some steps and followed the doors the Universe opened for me, which I hope you'll do as well. I serve the Divine. The focus of my work has always been, and will continue to be, YOU. And US. Because we are all ONE.
The Empath Academy is a 5-week event, class, and more importantly, a spiritual CEREMONY. We call on Source and the Divine. Each session is a 2 to 2.5-hour VIDEO conference (Zoom). Recordings will be made available for those that can't attend live.
In addition to our weekly sharing circle, where we share victories/wins/challenges/struggles and where we place our intentions into the circle, we will have live workshop type exploration and discussion where I will lead you through a series of weekly exercises, each building on the others, and also to include your on-the-spot personal questions and interaction. We follow the energy and the 'flow' of the group. We are One. We move as One. You'll experience that directly in this course.
What if I am shy? What if I am not a group person?
If you're shy, perhaps the thought of sharing your voice and sharing your story in a group may terrify you. If so, that's even MORE of a reason to sign up. Growth and change almost always happens outside of your comfort zone. So embrace that fear - it's an ally. It's a friend. It will lead you to the realization that there are others just like you. Others who have the same experiences, the same fears, the same challenges, and yes, the same GIFTS and LIGHT.
You'll feel so welcomed. Even the shyest empaths have reported that they felt safe, nurtured, and supported by myself and by the rest of the participants. It's a totally safe and loving space that we hold for you.
Absolutely! We welcome those of you outside of the United States, and have had many participants from all parts of the world.
Our start time is NOON Thursday in Sydney/Melbourne and 10:15 am in Wellington, New Zealand * You are responsible for knowing the correct start time in your area. Use this time converter to check on the time in your area.
11 spaces, first come first served. Doors close Mon March 3, 2025
Michael and all the class participants brought in great group energy. They each brought in a piece of the puzzle that I needed to move myself forward and become the woman that I am intended to be. Michael is a remarkable man and a fabulous teacher. You will walk away from this class with the knowledge to be the true you without facing fear or judgment. The joy you will experience after attending this academy will be remarkable. Do this for yourself!!
when last night featured for me my own huge release of energy, with a climax of huge lighting-like energy in my center. My class didn’t end with the call. I spent all night in vivid medicine dreams involving you and the class participants, and energy movements in my physical body. I’m really amazed at the progress that is happening here, and your ability to be in tune with every participant on the call.
and after Wednesday’s class I had nonstop healing dreams with you in them. I don’t remember any of them in detail, only that I know the work is being done on a very deep level.
I rarely see energies, but as you began the mediation I began to see your energy field and saw white stripes of light coming from your head, as if they were white feathers. You were moving energies and during the ceremony I felt the loving healing energies. You are very sweet in this life but you’re a great, great very old soul. Thank your for your service in the light.
With your masterful facilitation, the multi-leveled learning went inside and is now part of me. It was not just a feel good experience in a class; it shifted and changed my daily life. The Academy changed me deeply and profoundly. I AM different, a before and after. Without reservation – a truly rare thing for me to do as I am extremely particular – I wholeheartedly recommend the life transforming power of the Academy experience. Again, with all my heart, Michael - THANK YOU for generously sharing your many gifts and talents! Love, light & blessings.
it may well be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life.
Michael Smith's energy is incredibly high vibrational. Raising your vibration by being in the company of an extraordinarily high vibrational teacher is one of the reasons many people go to ashrams in Tibet, India, etc.
His energy is very balanced so it will tend to balance yours out. Thus, please, if you are or feel you may be an empath, sign up for a session with Michael or the Empath Academy. Go gently,